Evaluate; development of crude assay knowledge library 原油评价知识库的开发
Two methods for forecasting the quality of road asphalt with the data of crude assay are proposed. 提出两种方法,在溶剂脱沥青过程之前用原油评价数据预测道路沥青质量。
Connection to crude assay. Jt can provide data of crude's property for atmospheric and vacuum distillation simulation or directly by cut module. 与原油评价库的连接,为常减压蒸馏模拟或直接通过切割模块提供原油性质数据。
Forecasting the quality of road asphalt with the TA of crude assay 用原油评价数据预测道路沥青质量
It was found that crude toxin of 2 × 10~ 3 μ gg~ (-1) or culture filtrate could damage leaf cell membrane according to electric conductivity assay. 电导测定证明,2×10~3μgg1的粗毒素和培养液都可引起叶片细胞膜损伤。
METHODS: The crude microsomal fraction containing enkephalin hydrolysing enzymes was prepared from the rat kidney and the enkephalin hydrolysing enzymes assay was established. 方法:从大鼠的肾脏制备含有内腓肽降解酶的物质,建立内腓肽降解酶活性检测模型;
Main results were summarized as follows: The method for extracting crude CEL I enzyme was further simplified and the activity assay of different samples from every process were also investigated. 主要结果如下:1、从芹菜中提取CELⅠ酶并对CELⅠ酶粗提物的活性进行了研究。